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Apply: Link For NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Non Interest Loan Applicants Vendors Selection
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Apply: Link For NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Non Interest Loan Applicants Vendors Selection
Link For NMFB Non Interest Loan Applicants Vendors Selection – Are you a Beneficiaries of the Non-interest Banking Window for TCF? If yes, then we are glad to let you know that the new improved NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Non-Interest Banking (NIB) Portal for TCF is live. Beneficiaries can now choose vendors in their location on the new and improved portal?
Inline with that, the management of NMFB is pleased to announce that applicants can now select vendors by themselves depending on their preferences, locations, and business types.
How To Select NMFB Non Interest Loan Vendors:
1) Visit to get started.
2) Click on the Portal Menu and select Non interest then click on the option of Loan category that applied to you.
3) A list of the following options will be displayed:
- Application Status
- BVN Details
- Applicant Details
- Bio-Data Information
- Financing Information
- Declaration
- Accept Offer Letter
- Accept Undertaking to Buy
- Accept Agency Agreement
- Vendor Details
4) The Click on vendor details to select vendor by yourself.