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Apply for Mo Ibrahim Foundation GDAI PhD Scholarships 2022/2023 at SOAS University of London for African Nationals | Fully Funded

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Apply for Mo Ibrahim Foundation GDAI PhD Scholarships 2022/2023 at SOAS University of London for African Nationals | Fully Funded

Centre of African Studies offers 1 PhD scholarship to African nationals as part of the Governance for Development in Africa Initiative funded by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation.

Applications are invited for PhD studentships focused on the area of state capacities, governance and bureaucracy for development. This may include projects designed to understand public sector governance capabilities, political settlements, state business relations, the governance of state owned enterprises, the governance of development policy design and implementation, and so on. But applications must focus on the public sector/state/civil service, on governance, and on development.

In order to be considered for funding, applicants must first secure an UNCONDITIONAL OFFER for the PhD by applying directly to the SOAS Doctoral School.

NOTE: By 31st of March you must have an Unconditional offer for PhD in order to be considered for funding. Note that it takes 8 weeks to receive an offer of admission for PhD, therefore to apply for the PhD at least or before January 2023.

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