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Breaking News: Professor Pantami Becomes a Chancellor – Vocal Nigerian

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 Breaking News: Professor Pantami Becomes a Chancellor.

Breaking News: Pantami Becomes a Chancellor

The Nigerian Minister for Communications and Digital Economy, Sheikh Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami) has been crowned as the Chancellor of the Qur’an and Islamic Science University. The public University at the Republic of Sudan made a gigantic move on the installment of the renowned Islamic Scholar. The decision such move is well fit and deserved.

Isa Ali Ibrahim “Pantami was born in Gombe, and commonly known as Sheikh Pantami, is an Islamic cleric who is currently serving as Minister of Communications and Digital Economy in Nigeria. He was the Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) of Nigeria from 26 September 2016 to 20 August 2019 when he was nominated as a minister and sworn into office on 21 August 2019.

Pantami is among seven Readers (Associate Professors) promoted to Professor by the Governing Council of the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) at its 186th meeting held on Friday, August 20, 2021


Sheikh Pantami attended the installment at the University of the Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, a public University in the Republic of Sudan.

The instalment of Professor Isa Ali Ibrahim (Pantami) as the Chancellor of the University of the Qur’an and Islamic Sciences from Sudan. A public University with 14 faculties (including the Faculty of Computing) and over 17,000 students from over 60 countries.

Sheikh Pantami sent a Special Appreciation to all those who attended the event, and the University management for their kind gesture.

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