Download Cesus 2023 Training Materials for Free
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Download Cesus 2023 Training Materials for Free.
After shortlisting the applicants, what would follow up is the training of the ad-hoc staff, who are regarded as functionaries. If you are lucky enough to get part of the candidates, then you have another task ahead of you. This task is the training exercise. You have to be part of it, take the test and pass with a good score.
Whether you applied for a field coordinator, field supervisor, or enumerator. you must undergo training and pass the test. This is the reason why we decided to share a that will guide you even before fixing the training. All you need to do is to download the material and start learning it ahead of the training.
If you still have some problems regarding the Census, you may like to check here for more information that might be useful to you.https://mp3zion.com/2023/01/opportunities-npc-adhoc-staff-screening.html
This material is a soft copy of the training Manual that is going to be used in the training. This is going to be an added advantage to any person who would be opportune to have access to it.
You can download this material by clicking on the link below and ensuring that you share the material with your friends.