
NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Has Commenced Nationnwide – Vocal Nigerian

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NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Has Commenced Nationnwide.

NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Frequently Asked Questions

Following the confusion which has trailed the Screening of thousands of NPC Adhoc Staff Applicants who would be temporarily employed to work in the 2023 Population and Housing Census Exercise, we have answered these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as a guide to all Applicants.

1. Which Category of NPC Adhoc Staff Applicants are currently being Screened

Enumerators and Supervisors are currently being Screened

2. Who is eligible to participate in the NPC Adhoc Staff Screening

All Enumerator and Supervisor NPC Adhoc Staff Applicants who registered online are eligible for the NPC Adhoc Staff Screen.

3. What is the NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Date

The NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Date is Monday 16th to 31st January, 2023. However, each Local Government fixes its date which must fall within the range of the date above. Every Local Government has its convenient date between the 16th and 31st of January 2023.

4. Where is the Venue for the NPC Adhoc Staff Screening

The NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Venue is the Local Government Headquarter – which you chose as your local government of Residence during Registration.

5. What is the Requirement for NPC Adhoc Staff Screening

The NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Requirements are as follows:

(i) Printout of NPC Registration ID: Visit, enter NIN or NPC Registration ID, and print the part which displayed your Name and NPC Registration ID.

(ii) NIN – go with the NIN Slip

(ii) Valid Phone Number used during Registration

(iv) Original Certificates used during the NPC Adhoc Staff Registration.

6. Must an Adhoc Staff Applicant get a Text Message before attending the NPC Adhoc Staff Screening

No. All NPC Adhoc Staff Applicants who applied as Enumerators and Supervisors should attend the Screening. Find out when your LGA has fixed its own NPC Adhoc Staff Screening.

7. What is the NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Time

The NPC Adhoc Staff Screening Time is 8. am to 4 pm daily.

8. Why is NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status PENDING

The NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status is Pending until each Applicant is Screened.

9.  What happens to the NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status after Screening

After an NPC Adhoc Staff has been Screened, the NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status will change from PENDING to APPROVED. Then the Applicant can enter his/her Bank Account for receiving Payment.

10. What if an NPC Adhoc Staff Applicant misses the Screening

An NPC Adhoc Staff who did not participate in the Screening will be disqualified.

11. What if  NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status did not change after the Screening

NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status should change within 3 days after the Screening was conducted. If an NPC Adhoc Staff Applicant Status did not get Approval after 3 days of participating in the Screening, he/she should contact the NPC LGA Coordinator.

12. Can an NPC Adhoc Staff Applicant be disqualified during Screening

Yes. An NPC Adhoc Staff Applicant who does not possess the requisite Qualification as claimed during Registration will be disqualified.

The NPC has announced that a total of 786,741 Adhoc Staff consisting of 623,797 Enumerators and 125,944 Supervisors will be engaged for the 2023 Population and Housing Census.

In the Hausa Language 

The Questions answered above are a guide to the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerator and Supervisor Applicants to enable them to participate in the NPC Adhoc Staff Screening.

Binciken Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc Tambayoyin da ake yawan yi

Bayan rudanin da ya biyo bayan tantance dubunnan Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc wadanda za a dauki aikin wucin gadi don yin aiki a cikin Kididdigar Yawan Jama’a da Gidaje na 2023, mun amsa wadannan Tambayoyi akai-akai (FAQ) a matsayin jagora ga duk masu nema.

1. Wane nau’i ne na Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc da ake tantancewa a halin yanzu

A halin yanzu ana tantance masu ƙididdigewa da masu kulawa

2. Wanene ya cancanci shiga NPC Adhoc Staff Screening

Duk Masu Neman Ma’aikatan Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc da Mai Kulawa waɗanda suka yi rajista akan layi sun cancanci allo na ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc.

3. Menene Ranar Nuna Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc

Ranar litinin 16 zuwa 31 ga Janairu, 2023 ne ranar tantance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc. Sai dai kowace karamar hukuma ta tsayar da ranar da ta dace wanda dole ne ya kasance tsakanin adadin kwanan watan da ke sama. Kowace karamar hukuma tana da ranar da ta dace tsakanin 16th da 31st January, 2023.

4. Ina wurin da ake tantance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc

Wurin tantance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc shine hedkwatar karamar hukuma – wacce kuka zaba a matsayin karamar hukumar ku yayin rajista.

5. Menene Bukatun don Binciken Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc

Bukatun tantance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc sune kamar haka:

(i) Buga ID na Rijistar NPC: Ziyarci, shigar da NIN ko NPC ID, buga sashin da ke nuna Sunan ku da ID na rajista na NPC.

(ii) NIN – tafi da NIN Slip

(ii) Ingantacciyar Lambar Waya da ake amfani da ita yayin Rijista

(iv) Takaddun shaida na asali da aka yi amfani da su yayin rajistar Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc.

6. Dole ne mai neman ma’aikacin Adhoc ya sami saƙon rubutu kafin ya halarci aikin tantance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc

A’a. Duk mai neman ma’aikacin NPC Adhoc wanda ya nemi a matsayin masu ƙididdigewa da masu kulawa ya kamata su halarci aikin tantancewa. Nemo lokacin da LGA ɗin ku ta ƙayyade don nata binciken NPC Adhoc Staff Screening.

7. Menene Lokacin Binciken Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc

Lokacin Nuna Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc shine 8 na safe zuwa 4 na yamma kowace rana.

8. Me yasa Matsayin Aikace-aikacen Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc yake jira

Matsayin Aikace-aikacen Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc yana nan yana jiran lokacin da kowane mai nema ya duba.

9. Abin da ke faruwa da Matsayin Aikace-aikacen Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc bayan Ana dubawa

Bayan an tantance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc, Matsayin Aikace-aikacen Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc zai canza daga PENDING zuwa YARDA. Sannan mai nema zai iya shigar da Account dinsa na Banki domin karbar Biya.

10. Idan mai neman NPC Adhoc Staff Applicing ya rasa Screening

Wani ma’aikacin NPC Adhoc wanda bai shiga cikin tantancewar ba za a kore shi.

11. Menene idan NPC Adhoc Staff Staff Staff Status bai canza ba bayan Ana dubawa

Matsayin Aikace-aikacen Ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc yakamata ya canza a cikin kwanaki 3 bayan an gudanar da Nunin. Idan ma’aikacin NPC Adhoc Staff Applicant Status bai sami Amincewa ba bayan kwana 3 yana shiga cikin tantancewar, yakamata ya tuntuɓi mai kula da ƙaramar hukumar NPC.

12. Za a iya hana mai neman ma’aikacin NPC Adhoc a lokacin tantancewa

Ee. Mai neman ma’aikacin NPC Adhoc wanda ba shi da cancantar cancanta kamar yadda aka yi iƙirarin yayin rajista ba za a soke shi ba.

Hukumar NPC ta sanar da cewa, jimillar ma’aikatan Adhoc 786,741 da suka kunshi 623,797 masu kidayar jama’a da masu kula da 125,944 ne za su shiga aikin kidayar jama’a da gidaje na shekarar 2023.

Tambayoyin da aka amsa a sama jagora ne ga masu ƙididdige ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc da masu nema tendance damar shiga cikin tendance ma’aikatan NPC Adhoc.

©️ Ahmed El-rufaNigerian

National Chairman Nigerian Youths Opportunity Jobs.

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