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Portal For a Massive Recruitment Under WAEC Board is Now Open.

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Portal For a Massive Recruitment Under WAEC Board is Now Open. 

The West African Examination council, has open its website for recruiting the news staff. This was earlier announced by spoke person of the Board, after a regional brief meeting that took at the Headquarters in Lagos State, Nigeria.
It has actually been long time ago that such recruitment took place. The Board of Directors across the state in Nigeria, came out with the idea of the recruitment. This is to bridge the gap between the scarcity of staff and the incidence of the staff,  for better administration.
It is also the result of massive retirees and some of the staff that died during their service to the Board.
Both senior and junior staff are needed to fill the vacancies. That is to say, the recruitment is meant for graduates and non-graduates.
If you are interested, visit their website and choose the category that will qualify you for the job. Here is the link to the website directly
As you apply for this, we wish you the best of luck. And don’t forget to share with others, your success can not prevent someone’s success.
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